Unlimited Armament Works
Unlimited Armament Works 0.8.3 | v0.8.3
Update 0.8.3 includes balance changes and bug fixes, mainly the crashing issue with conduits.
What's Changed?
- Main gun damage is reduced from 90 > 80
Steam Press
- Coal input increased from 5 > 18
Oil Derrick
- Steam consumption increased to 144
- Pump speed is also increased
Steam Turbines
- Now recycles steam back into water.
Pressurized Conduit
- Renamed to "Stoutsteel Conduit"
- Fixed #22 - again
- Fixed weird heat sprite drawing
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/compare/v0.8.2...v0.8.3
Unlimited Armament Works 0.8.2 | v0.8.2
Update 0.8.2 addresses bug fixes, balance issues and crash fix
What's Changed?
- Range increased from 25 tiles > 30 tiles
- HP reduced from 650 > 625
- Reload speed reduced from 1.3/s > 1/s
- Range increased from 32 tiles > 35 tiles
- HP reduced from 5500 > 5250
- Main gun damage reduced from 95 > 90
- Main gun splash damage radius is increased from 6 tiles > 6.5 tiles
- Its main gun sprite is now thiccer
Oil Derrick
- Fixed power nodes connecting
Steam drills
- Now uses oil to boost
- Fixed(?) weird shadow
- Fixed #22
Unlimited Armament Works 0.8.1 | v0.8.1
Update v0.8.1 is here and it addresses and fixes some bugs from the previous version along with balance changes
Unit Changes
- HP is increased from 400 > 450
- Machinegun weapon damage is reduced from 20 > 15
- Missile weapon damage is reduced from 55 > 50
- HP is increased from 550 > 650
- weapon damage is reduced from 50 > 25
- weapon splash damage radius is increased from 4 tiles > 4.5 tiles
- main gun damage is increased from 90 > 95
- missile weapon reload speed is increased from 4s > 4.5s
- machinegun weapon damage is reduced from 15 > 10
- main gun damage is reduced from 155 > 140
- the main gun now causes burning
- Fixed Caernarvon weird shadow
Block changes
War Factory
- Fixed weird drawing
Special thanks to Poly#0664
for letting me know what to fix
Unlimited Armament Works 0.8.0 | v0.8
What's Changed?
After several months of hard work, hard at work, procrastination, and banging my head into the keyboard for why things aren't working, Update 0.8 is finally here, mainly implementing compatibility to V7 and adding and revamping a lot of content.
I'm not even sure if your previous save will even work anymore.
Issues & PR
- Fixed UAWUnitType isn't available in PayloadSource. by @liplum in https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/16
- Merging to Master by @Eschatologue in https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/18
- Titanium Carbide now has been replaced with Stoutsteel Alloy, and their production process stays relatively the same
Status Effect
- NEW Cryogenic Burn - Burning and freezing combined together to put it simply
- NEW Thermal Shock - Occurs when Burning or melting is inflicted on units affected by Cryogenic Burn
- NEW Superconduct - Occurs when EMP is inflicted on units affected by Cryogenic Burn and vice versa
- Air unit and ground unit production is now combined into 1 building, and naval is separated
- NEW [Helicopter] Crochety - New class of helicopter that specializes in cryogenic armaments
- NEW [Airship] Cantankerous - Helicopter and Tank hybrid that specialized in cryogenic armaments
- Helicopters now have rotor blur.
- Reworked helicopters cruise missiles.
- Calogrenant missile weapon is rearranged.
- Bedivere artillery weapon now causes EMP.
- All tanks now lose their mounted weapon on top of their turret, these weapons are directly placed on their hull instead
- All tanks now have moving treads underneath them.
- All tank's combat performance has been adjusted. I forgot what I did change, but I did change some
- Centurion Now has a small missile launcher.
- Caernarvon Now has artillery on its sides.
- Removed
Torpedo Destroyers
- Slightly reworked torpedo aesthetic
- All turrets will now utilize the new animated and moving parts which are in vanilla
- All turrets have their stats changed, they shouldn't be too different from the previous version but should be more balanced.
- Carburizing Furnace has been renamed to Alloy Crucible now producing Stoutsteel Alloy
- All factories have their performance and sprites changed.
- All steam production building performance will now be affected by what kind of item they're using.
- Steam Effects now looks nicer
New Contributors
- @liplum made their first contribution at https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/16
- @Eschatologue made their first contribution at https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/18
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/compare/v0.7.8...v0.8
Unlimited Armament Works 0.7.8 | v0.7.8
Update 0.7.8 is here, Unit renames, steam engines, and balance changes!
What's in This Update?
A... lot, and your old save would probably don't work anymore
- Unit Rename
- To better fit the lore of UAW, ALL unit name has been changed (except Helicopters), it'll no more use names taken from another language other than English.
- This also means, that translation wouldn't work and would be very misleading also.
- Steam Engines
- Pretty self-explanatory, structures that utilize steam to power them, complete with a way of boiling water to get steam, the gas pipes, crafter, drills, and more!
- All of these structures are available on the tech tree, you can access them as soon as you researched the "Mechanical Pump".
- Anthracite
- Anthracite before was a pretty much worthless material, it now can be used to power boilers which are used for getting steam.
- Anthracite can now be only acquired by drilling coal using a special drill called "Steam Thumper".
- Carburizing Furnace
- Carburizing Furnace is now a part of the brand new steam engines tech tree.
- Unit Factories & Oil Derrick
- Oil Derrick will now also be a part of the brand new steam engines tech tree, and UAW modded unit factories will require Oil Derrick to be researched also.
- Liquid Cistern
- A new block for storing liquid, bigger storage capacity than liquid tanks
- Petroleum Generator
- Got yeeted into the oblivion / removed
- Tier 5 Ground Unit - Main Battle Tank - 'Caernarvon'
Its main gun shells completely bypass enemy force shields and most of their unit's armor. It's also heavily armored and slightly faster than its predecessor.
- Balance Changes for units that I definitely forgot to document, so you have to figure it out yourself
- Increased Gas junction, router, and bridges throughput
- Fixes Steam Press Blending
- Reduced Carburizing Furnace Steam Cost
Unlimited Armament Works 0.7.7 | v0.7.7
Update 0.7.7
Update 0.7.7 is finally here.. after a month.. yeah I've been busy with IRL stuff. This update reworks tanks again and some other stuff
What's new?
- Unit Rework All unit in UAW has been reworked of slightly tweaked, for example : a. Helicopters - When helicopters die, their rotor will slowdowns. - Fixed a sudden pause when the helicopter hits the ground while rotating - New AI: Helicopter will rush ground target while keeping a distance with airborne targets b. Tanks - Tanks now has multiple mounts on top of their turret - Better Trail effects for tanks - Gun sound fix c. Jets - Jets has better trail and new sprite, also renamed and will have much much less impact on the game performance - Jufeng is renamed to 'Bandit', next in the unit tree name will have a similar naming theme - New AI: Jets will rush ground target while keeping a distance from airborne targets
- Unit Constructor
It now no longer needed to use a vanilla unit to construct UAW units, all UAW units will have their own unit factory now.
- Ground unit can be produced in the "Armor Construction Facility"
- Naval unit can be produced in "Naval Yard"
- Air unit can be produced in "Aeronautic Manufacturing Pad"
There's probably other stuff i forgot, you can download the update and check it out yourself
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/compare/v0.7.6...v0.7.7
Unlimited Armament Works 0.7.6 | v0.7.6
Update 0.7.6
Update 0.7.6 is now here, and with it came massive changes to UAW as a whole. Brand new petroleum system (well, a part of it), mine reworks, and various other changes that definitely wouldn't take a whole month if I didn't procrastinate
What's new?
- New Item
- Anthracite
- Also referred to as hard coal, is a hard, compact style of coal that encompasses a sub-metallic luster. It has the most carbon content, the fewest impurities, and the highest energy density of every type of coal.
- A rare type of coal that can be acquired from filtering oil and crystalizing coal.
- Stable yet very flammable
- Anthracite
- Petroleum System
- The wide array of blocks heavily relies on a constant supply of oil and will explode violently if destroyed, but they are much more powerful than vanilla crafters
- Why? More powerful crafters are the overrated, more tedious ones that is faster aren't
- Petroleum Smelter
- Produce huge amount of silicon and metaglass using sand, lead, and anthracite
- Petroleum Separator
- Filters out oil for coal and anthracite
- Anthracite Crystalizer
- Crystalizes coal into anthracite
- Petroleum Generator
- Generates power from oil
- Rotodynamic Pump
- Pumps out liquid faster than thermal pump
- Oil Derrick
- Extracts oil from deep beneath the planet crust, can be placed on water
- Pressurized Liquid Transportation Conduits
- An upgrade from armored conduits transfers liquid much faster than its predecessor, more armored, but requires power to operate, a more advanced version of bridge conduit, router, and the junction is also included
- Proximity Mine Reworks
- Zounderkite will now display the correct information for landmine
- Mines will now make a beeping before exploding
- Better explosions effects
- Explosion Effect Reworks
- Explosion Effects now look better and more polished, especially on cruise missile explosions and heavy artillery shells
- New Turret base
- Some UAW turret base is now changed into a darker one
- EMP Status Effect
- Some turret that uses surge alloy now applies for EMP status at their target, this will be used more in the future
What's Changed?
- Tank AI
- Tanks used to pursue enemies, now this is changed, they will use the default AI instead.
- Why? I still don't know how to make proper AI, rather than pushing what's broken, I rather stick to what's working.
- Lores and Description
- Some content descriptions and lore are now changed, this change also reflects their behavior in-game
- Coal Liquefier
- Removed, other than producing more oil, it has no place for the current petroleum system
Unlimited Armament Works 0.7.5 | v0.7.5
What's New?
- Jùfēng Tier 3 Air - Jet Bomber
- A new unit tree, "Jet Bombers", specializes in destroying enemy structures. It fires guided bombs at enemy buildings.
- Can be built from "Horizon"
- Deadeye
- Long-range railgun, capable of destroying most targets in a single shot.
- New Craft Effect for Carburizing Furnace
- The new craft effect now makes sound and causes the screen to shake
- Aglovale constructing requirement is changed, not requires Zenith instead of horizon, this will be subject to change in the near future
- Code Cleanup
- Deleted some useless stuff
- Fixed the AI on helicopters
- Fixed Buckshot from crashing the game [Reported by
] - Slight Changes to some content descriptions
- Fixed some explosion effect where it'll cause terrible frame drop under specific condition
- Fixed Longsword trail effect
- Adjusted some bullet lifetime & damage according to their range
Unlimited Armament Works 0.7.4 | v0.7.4
Update 0.7.4 features some balance changes, content polishing, reworked unit, new Tier 5 Naval Monitor Warship - Kerambit, and a way of generating power from oil.
UAW now requires Mindustry Build 134.1
to play, please update your Mindustry
What's New?
- Kerambit Tier 5 Naval - Monitor Warship
- " Its shell shatters even the most formidable defenses"
- Finally, the 5th Iteration of Majapahit's Monitor Warship, like the previous iteration these naval "Monitor Warships" archetypes are specialized in destroying enemy structures. Especially this one, it'll cause repeating aftershocks in its affected area, denying any building to be built while it's still in effect.
- Can be acquired by upgrading the Kujang inside the Tetrative Petroleum Reconstructor
- Added lore regarding the unit origin in
- Combustion Generator
- Generates massive amount of power from burning oil, will explode violently if destroyed, it's filled with oil afterall
- Situational, they can be useful in places with abundant shale and oil lakes, though useless when those resources are scarce.
- Still in the process of balancing, might be completely worthless, might be overpowered. Though I'm gonna release it just to watch the world burns
- The Kujang has been reworked
- New Sprite
- Its main cannon will now fire a quick burst of artillery shells instead of 1 huge one.
- Fixed Quadra outline
- Code cleanup
- Some content description changes, especially units
Unlimited Armament Works 0.7.3 | v0.7.3
Update 0.7.3 features some adjustments to several blocks, new reconstructor and units, and many more
Whats new?
- Tetrative Petroleum Reconstructor
- Upgrades UAW Tier 4 units to Tier 5, Requires a LOT of oil
- Tier 5 Helicopter : Calogrenant
- "Her Enternal Majesty wrath shall be delivered"
- The standard attack helicopter for Albion Royal Air Force, equipped with auto-cannons, dual-railgun, and cryo cruise missiles
- Can be acquired by upgrading the Bedivere inside the Tetrative Petroleum Reconstructor
- New Tank AI
- Tanks have new updated AI, Tank will prioritize and chase down ground units, they can shoot down air units but won't chase them.
- Reconstructor changes
- Material requirements for both building and reconstructing units have been adjusted
- Researching reconstructor is also changed, to unlock them in the tech tree, you need to research their vanilla counterpart first
- Effect changes
- Some effects have been polished
- Tier 4 Helicopter : Bedivere
- New Artillery weapon are added to bedivere,
- New Cruise Missile Sprite
- Some changes in bundle.properties
- Add in_ID bundle by @MissAmity in https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/2
New Contributors
- @MissAmity made their first contribution in https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/2
Unlimited Armament Works 0.7.2 | v0.7.2
What's Changed
- New Turret: "Skyhammer"
- Longrange Artillery that fires very heavy shells at a target from a vast distance. Some shells cause multiple shockwaves on the affected area
- Most units and turrets, depending on their munitions now have armor-piercing and shield damage multiplier
- Armor-piercing increases the minimum damage dealt against armored enemies, 60% Armor Penetration means at least 60% of the bullet damage will be received by its target
- Shield Damage Multiplier means how much extra damage does a bullet does to a shield.
- Some turrets balancing
- Polished Helicopters sprites
- Serbian language translation pack by @BorisA11 in https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/1
- Add in_ID bundle by @MissAmity in https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/pull/2
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Eschatologue/Unlimited-Armament-Works/compare/v0.7.1...v0.7.2
Version 0.7.1 | v0.7.1
An update that releases unexpectedly longer than expected.
This update features some balance changes, overall polishing to torpedoes, and a new unit for the torpedo destroyer line
What's new?
- Added Tier 4 UAW Ground unit the 'Shiratsuyu'
- Can be researched from the Hatsuharu
- Equipped with more powerful torpedoes, along with machine-guns and missiles
- Slightly increases the movement penalty for tanks on liquid terrain
- Torpedo now deals increased damage depending on its target
, the bigger they are, the more damage they take from torpedoes - Slight changes reconstructors unit upgrade requirement
- New Sprite for [T3 Naval] 'Hatsuharu'
Other Change
- Unlimited Armament Works is now licensed under GPL-3.0
Version 0.7 | v0.7
Update 0.7 is a small one, just overall polishing of tank units, I probably will do these types of updates more often instead of a monthly huge update.
What's new?
- Added Tier 4 UAW Ground unit the 'Arkabuz'
- Can be researched from the Gardlacz, Arkabuz is equipped with thick armor and a hard-hitting gun
- Status Field projector now can't be manually controlled
- Slight buff and nerf to the Gardlacz
- Tank Units now suffer less movement penalty on liquid terrain and are immune to slow, freeze, and disarm.
- Tank Units now have a weakness to heat-based effects, burning and melting with dampening their combat effectiveness
- Added recoiling gun to tank units
- Added ground trail effects to tank
- Tank unit Code cleanup
- Various fixes from the previous version
Version 0.6 | v0.6
Update 0.6 will feature minor adjustments, new units, and more crafters.
New Content
- New Unit Archetype : Torpedo Destroyers
- Fast moving units capable of launching deadly torpedo strikes against enemy.
- Currently there's only 1 unit placed at tier 3 : Hatsuharu
- New Defense Building
- Rejuvination Projector
- Rapidly heals buildings in its vicinity in small amount, after a building reach a certain percentage of their max HP, they will be overdriven.
- Rejuvination Projector
I obviously can't list every single small thing that is changed in v0.6, so these below is just the big thing
Multiplicative Petroleum Reconstructor
- Unit Construction Speed reduced from 26.66 seconds > 25 seconds
- Unit Construction Cost Changes :
- Silicon 80 > 120
- Plastanium 40 > 60
- Titanium 120 > 100
- Build Cost Changes :
- Copper removed
- Lead 120 > 500
- Metaglass 0 > 150
- Silicon 90 > 150
- Titanium 0 > 950
Exponential Petroleum Reconstructor
- Unit Construction Speed increased from 35 seconds > 80 seconds
- Unit Construction Cost Changes :
- Silicon 80 > 250
- Metaglass 0 > 250
- Plastanium 40 > 60
- Titanium Carbide 0 > 250
- Plastanium 40 > 550
- Titanium removed
Clurit [T3-Naval-Monitor]
- New Sprite
- Health is increased from 450 > 750
- Artillery splash damage reduced from 80 > 70
- Artillery rate of fire reduced from 0.66/sec > 1/sec
- Artillery building damage multiplier reduced from 300% > 250%
- Artillery now cause small slag splashes
Kujang [T4-Naval-Monitor]
- New sprite
- Health is increased from 450 > 4500
- Artillery splash radius increased from 8 tile > 12 tile
- Artillery splash damage increased from 45 > 120
- Shot count reduced from 3 > 1
- Artillery building damage multiplier increased from 300% > 350%
- Artillery now cause big slag splashes
- Point Defense Weapon effectiveness increased
Status Field Projector
- Effect change
Sparkler & Sunspot
- Removed
Version 0.5 | v0.5
Lots of new content changes are coming in this update, from new turret to buffs and nerfs
New Contents
- Surge Solvent Mixer
- Produces highly electrifying liquid known as 'Surge Solvent'
- Zounderkite
- A turret capable of launching many types of mine depending on the item used.
- Sparkler and Sunspot
- Launches devastating fast moving cruise missiles over long distance.
- Longsword
- Long range high precision cannon, low rate of fire, high damage.
- Spitfire
- High rate of fire gatling gun
- Status Field Projector
- Applies status effects to enemies in its range at an interval. The status effects depends on the liquid you filled it with.
- Force Wall
- Wall that can project small force shield around it, very fragile but has very durable shield.
- The main wall is highly susceptible to splash damage, be careful where you use them
- Surge Solvent
- A highly conductive liquid that electrocutes enemy that stepped on it
Other Changes
- Badik [T2-Naval-Monitor] has been renamed to Clurit, and Clurit [T3-Naval-Monitor], is renamed to Kujang.
- Gardłacz [T3-Ground-Tank], Clurit [T2-Naval-Monitor], & Kujang [T3-Naval-Monitor] will receive a point defense weapon to increase their survivability
- Clurit [T2-Naval-Monitor] artillery split in 2 and have slight increase in RoF.
- Kujang [T3-Naval-Monitor] have slight reduction in its reload speed.
- New trail effects for unit weapons.
for naval unit weapons is increased.- Added trails to bullets that meant to be piercing.
- Various Turrets can now fire more types of bullet.
- Cryogel color is now lighter.