FactoryDustry - TexturePack

by xeloboyo
Stars: 231 | Game Version: 140.4

Brings back some of that early mindustry charm, can be multiplayered with vanilla Contributors: VozDuh


by i-hope1
Stars: 27 | Game Version: 136

A mod provides a variety of tools for modding. ----------------- Version 1.5.5 ## Highlight - Fixed a severe npe bug about data(settings) save. - Added a setting: force_language. ----------------- ## ShowUIList - Display `icon`, `tex`, `styles`, `colors`, `interps`\ !(./screenshots/UIList.png) ## Tester !(./screenshots/tester.png) - Provide `JS` editor `Tester` - Shortcuts - Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`Enter` to `execute` code immediately - Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`↑/↓` to switch `history` records - Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`D` to `view` detailed information - Press `Alt`+`V` to preview `Texture` - Built-in `unsafe`, `lookup` - Built-in `IntFunc` class (abbreviated as `$`) - `$.xxx` can represent primitive data types (e.g., `$.void` represents `Void.TYPE`;`$.J` represents long.class) - `$p` represents `Packages` - Code: [JSFunc](https://github.com/i-hope1/mod-tools/src/modtools/utils/JSFunc.java) - Long press on code in the favorites to add to startup items\ !(./screenshots/startup.png) - Quick switch history\ ![Screenshot 2024-03-10 14-45-37](https://github.com/I-hope1/mod-tools/assets/78016895/4918af35-19af-4fab-b961-70bdc8679fe8) - `$.item`, `$.liquid`, `$.unit` and so on. ## UnitSpawn - Multiple team selection - Support for fixed point spawning - Display `name` and `localizedName` - Rightclick the name Label to copy save as JS var. ## Selection - Selector - Supports `Tile`, `Building`, `Bullet`, `Unit` - Kill - Set Item/Liquid/Team - Press `Ctrl`+`Alt` to fix Focus Window ## ReviewElement - Display element list, double-click to copy element to js variable - `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`C` to Inspect Element - `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`D` to display bounds of Element - Select untouchable elements - Mobile: Filter current element with two fingers - PC: Press `F` to filter current element - Functions shortcuts for Element - `i`: display details (open ShowInfoWindow)\ - `p`(for Image): show `DrawablePicker` - `del`: (`shift` to ignore confirmation), delete element - `<` / `>`: collapse Group - `f`: fix floating Info column - `r`: invoke element's method - ![reviewElement](./screenshots/review_element.png) # Frag - Double-click the blue part of Frag to minimize/restore Frag - In the minimized state, click the blue part, it will behave like a floating ball ## Window - Press `Ctrl`+`Tab` to switch windows - Press `Shift`+`F4` to close current window - RClick the close button to move and scl window. ## ShowInfoWindow - Show all fields, methods, constructors and nested classes of a obj. - Field can be modified. - Method can be Invoked(Special). - Constructor can be invoked to new a instance. ## Others ### Extensions - Http Redirect > Redirect some websites, such as: github\ > Configuration file: b0kkihope/http_redirect.properties

Simplistic - TexturePack

by echovespy
Stars: 17 | Game Version: 138

Made to get rid of as much detail as possible from the game while still being easily recognizable. Thanks to Xelo for Factoriodustry scripts


by huanxefh
Stars: 7 | Game Version: 146

If you are downloading the mod with in-game mod browser, and you don't want to install the test versions that may crash the game, choose View Releases and install the latest version. ------------------------------ A javascript mod aimed to bring real (or surreal, sometimes) chemical engineering into Mindustry, where tin is definitely tin. - This mod focuses on complex manufacturing processes, instead of tower defense or RTS. - Nothing extends vanilla gameplay, all the contents including environmental blocks are mod-based. No borrowed or recolored vanilla textures. - Steps and intermediates are introduced for production routes, which are mostly based on the processes in real life. Say bye to straightforward recipes and fictional real names. - Extraction methods are required to turn ores into actual materials, e.g. smelting. - New mechanics like fluid corrosion and underground ores are introduced, which differentiates the gameplay drastically. - Turrets are absent, the mod will focus on unit-only defense and attack. Most of the factories are multi-crafters, you'll need download MultiCrafterLib first! (Sorry for IOS players D:) Reind is still and probably always WIP. Do not launch to numbered sectors since sector generator is not used. ------------------------------ Contents: - MaboroshiX Sprites: - MaboroshiX Scripts: - MaboroshiX Maps: - MaboroshiX Ideas: - MaboroshiX ------------------------------ Inspiration & Acknowledgement: - Pixabay (website), for sound effects, most of which have been modified. - Greg's Tech: New Horizon (Minecraft modpack), for ideas about some factories and production routes. - Asthosus (Mindustry mod), for introducing me to hjson, and how to make a planet. - Sapphirium (Mindustry mod), for introducing me to javascript. - Fictional Octo System (Mindustry mod), for ore scanner mechanics. - 格雷工业 (Mindustry mod), for some codes about tables.

Better Liquids

by fallendraggon
Stars: 6 | Game Version: 143

Mod based on the Factory Industry mod - Texture Pack from Xelo


by spaceearthex
Stars: 5 | Game Version: 136

you chilled with new joke: surge banana joke. Very small texturepack that changes surge into banana


by obamination
Stars: 5 | Game Version: 136

This texture pack is a work in progress. Also, there is nothing I can do about the block blending, it's just part of mindustry's code.

Door Logic | Texture Pack

by some-t3a
Stars: 5 | Game Version: 146

This is a very small mod that simply replaces some existing content in the game. --- -- -- - - - This mod includes: -- Door: custom sprites, sound. -- Logic: custom sprites. --- -- -- - - - It was created, at least, to slightly refresh the experience of constructing logic circuits from logic elements, in which a binary signal is transmitted through doors.


by blackdeluxecat
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 136

A Texture Pack For Better Vanilla Gameplay.

TextureTweaks (Erekir)

by imnotthatbrave
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 136

A Texture Pack For Better Vanilla Readability. By ImNotThatBrave and with some assets by BlackDeluxeCat


by danteslr
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 143

Ru: Шейдер, который изменяет внешний вид жидкостей. Взято из мода FactoryDustry-Texture Pack. Специално для канала Mindustry - Рестор.  Мой Дискорд DaNtEsLr#0746  En: A shader that changes the appearance of liquids. Taken from the mod FactoryDustry-Texture Pack. Especially for the channel Mindustry - Рестор.  My Discord DaNtEsLr#0746 

Command Block

by spaceearthex
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 145.1

A Small Texturepack that changes World Processor and World Cell into Command blocks from Minecraft.

Oh no (& Kunckles)

by purplesushi22
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 144.0

A mod revolving around the stupid error texture. -----WHAT'S NEW----- Holy shit balance changes Rellbell Uh

Weird Textures

by radio-silence-1
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 136

Changes units because i want it to (i am just going through my github, idk if this works, i am just to lazy to download it on my phone.)

Legacy Textures

by balam314
Stars: 2 | Game Version: 136.1

Restores the good old textures.

Zytheron Technology(Beta)

by rocket550
Stars: 2 | Game Version: 136

(This mod is on BETA so many things can change in the future)This is my first mod, so dont hope its going to have very high quality. This mod adds new units, turrets, factories, ores, a new planet and more (Extra: the textures are made in paint by the way)

Flarogus Texture

by balam314
Stars: 1 | Game Version: 136.1

Makes the flare a flarogus.

Tweaked Textures

by tolonewolf
Stars: 1 | Game Version: 146

Changes I made to make it easier for me to see items on conveyors.

B/W Switch

by eliminmax
Stars: 0 | Game Version: 140.1

Retextures the switch to be fully black if off and fully white if on.

Frontiers Texture Pack

by lepsima
Stars: 0 | Game Version: 136

Changes some sprites for the resprites used in Mindustry Frontiers