FactoryDustry - TexturePack

by xeloboyo
Stars: 228 | Game Version: 140.4

Brings back some of that early mindustry charm, can be multiplayered with vanilla Contributors: VozDuh


by i-hope1
Stars: 27 | Game Version: 136

A mod provides a variety of tools for modding. ----------------- Version 1.5.5 ## Highlight - Fixed a severe npe bug about data(settings) save. - Added a setting: force_language. ----------------- ## ShowUIList - Display `icon`, `tex`, `styles`, `colors`, `interps`\ !(./screenshots/UIList.png) ## Tester !(./screenshots/tester.png) - Provide `JS` editor `Tester` - Shortcuts - Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`Enter` to `execute` code immediately - Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`↑/↓` to switch `history` records - Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`D` to `view` detailed information - Press `Alt`+`V` to preview `Texture` - Built-in `unsafe`, `lookup` - Built-in `IntFunc` class (abbreviated as `$`) - `$.xxx` can represent primitive data types (e.g., `$.void` represents `Void.TYPE`;`$.J` represents long.class) - `$p` represents `Packages` - Code: [JSFunc](https://github.com/i-hope1/mod-tools/src/modtools/utils/JSFunc.java) - Long press on code in the favorites to add to startup items\ !(./screenshots/startup.png) - Quick switch history\ ![Screenshot 2024-03-10 14-45-37](https://github.com/I-hope1/mod-tools/assets/78016895/4918af35-19af-4fab-b961-70bdc8679fe8) - `$.item`, `$.liquid`, `$.unit` and so on. ## UnitSpawn - Multiple team selection - Support for fixed point spawning - Display `name` and `localizedName` - Rightclick the name Label to copy save as JS var. ## Selection - Selector - Supports `Tile`, `Building`, `Bullet`, `Unit` - Kill - Set Item/Liquid/Team - Press `Ctrl`+`Alt` to fix Focus Window ## ReviewElement - Display element list, double-click to copy element to js variable - `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`C` to Inspect Element - `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`D` to display bounds of Element - Select untouchable elements - Mobile: Filter current element with two fingers - PC: Press `F` to filter current element - Functions shortcuts for Element - `i`: display details (open ShowInfoWindow)\ - `p`(for Image): show `DrawablePicker` - `del`: (`shift` to ignore confirmation), delete element - `<` / `>`: collapse Group - `f`: fix floating Info column - `r`: invoke element's method - ![reviewElement](./screenshots/review_element.png) # Frag - Double-click the blue part of Frag to minimize/restore Frag - In the minimized state, click the blue part, it will behave like a floating ball ## Window - Press `Ctrl`+`Tab` to switch windows - Press `Shift`+`F4` to close current window - RClick the close button to move and scl window. ## ShowInfoWindow - Show all fields, methods, constructors and nested classes of a obj. - Field can be modified. - Method can be Invoked(Special). - Constructor can be invoked to new a instance. ## Others ### Extensions - Http Redirect > Redirect some websites, such as: github\ > Configuration file: b0kkihope/http_redirect.properties

Simplistic - TexturePack

by echovespy
Stars: 17 | Game Version: 138

Made to get rid of as much detail as possible from the game while still being easily recognizable. Thanks to Xelo for Factoriodustry scripts

Better Liquids

by fallendraggon
Stars: 6 | Game Version: 143

Mod based on the Factory Industry mod - Texture Pack from Xelo


by spaceearthex
Stars: 5 | Game Version: 136

you chilled with new joke: surge banana joke. Very small texturepack that changes surge into banana


by obamination
Stars: 5 | Game Version: 136

This texture pack is a work in progress. Also, there is nothing I can do about the block blending, it's just part of mindustry's code.

Door Logic | Texture Pack

by some-t3a
Stars: 5 | Game Version: 146

This is a very small mod that simply replaces some existing content in the game. --- -- -- - - - This mod includes: -- Door: custom sprites, sound. -- Logic: custom sprites. --- -- -- - - - It was created, at least, to slightly refresh the experience of constructing logic circuits from logic elements, in which a binary signal is transmitted through doors.


by blackdeluxecat
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 136

A Texture Pack For Better Vanilla Gameplay.

TextureTweaks (Erekir)

by imnotthatbrave
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 136

A Texture Pack For Better Vanilla Readability. By ImNotThatBrave and with some assets by BlackDeluxeCat


by danteslr
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 143

Ru: Шейдер, который изменяет внешний вид жидкостей. Взято из мода FactoryDustry-Texture Pack. Специално для канала Mindustry - Рестор.  Мой Дискорд DaNtEsLr#0746  En: A shader that changes the appearance of liquids. Taken from the mod FactoryDustry-Texture Pack. Especially for the channel Mindustry - Рестор.  My Discord DaNtEsLr#0746 

Command Block

by spaceearthex
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 145.1

A Small Texturepack that changes World Processor and World Cell into Command blocks from Minecraft.

Oh no (& Kunckles)

by purplesushi22
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 144.0

A mod revolving around the stupid error texture. -----WHAT'S NEW----- Holy shit balance changes Rellbell Uh

Weird Textures

by radio-silence-1
Stars: 3 | Game Version: 136

Changes units because i want it to (i am just going through my github, idk if this works, i am just to lazy to download it on my phone.)

Legacy Textures

by balam314
Stars: 2 | Game Version: 136.1

Restores the good old textures.

Invisible Blocks

by freezemandu
Stars: 2 | Game Version: 146

Invisible Blocks Texture Pack. Convenience Mode Thanks To ss심 sk7725

Flarogus Texture

by balam314
Stars: 1 | Game Version: 136.1

Makes the flare a flarogus.

Tweaked Textures

by tolonewolf
Stars: 1 | Game Version: 146

Changes I made to make it easier for me to see items on conveyors.

B/W Switch

by eliminmax
Stars: 0 | Game Version: 140.1

Retextures the switch to be fully black if off and fully white if on.

Frontiers Texture Pack

by lepsima
Stars: 0 | Game Version: 136

Changes some sprites for the resprites used in Mindustry Frontiers

Simpledustry: UI

by coco-snow
Stars: 0 | Game Version: 146

This mod changes the UI elements to fit the Simpledustry texturepack. Not compatible with every other mod!