A mod provides a variety of tools for modding.
Version 1.5.5
## Highlight
- Fixed a severe npe bug about data(settings) save.
- Added a setting: force_language.
## ShowUIList
- Display `icon`, `tex`, `styles`, `colors`, `interps`\
## Tester
- Provide `JS` editor `Tester`
- Shortcuts
- Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`Enter` to `execute` code immediately
- Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`↑/↓` to switch `history` records
- Press `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`D` to `view` detailed information
- Press `Alt`+`V` to preview `Texture`
- Built-in `unsafe`, `lookup`
- Built-in `IntFunc` class (abbreviated as `$`)
- `$.xxx` can represent primitive data types (e.g., `$.void` represents `Void.TYPE`;`$.J` represents long.class)
- `$p` represents `Packages`
- Code: [JSFunc](
- Long press on code in the favorites to add to startup items\
- Quick switch history\
![Screenshot 2024-03-10 14-45-37](
- `$.item`, `$.liquid`, `$.unit` and so on.
## UnitSpawn
- Multiple team selection
- Support for fixed point spawning
- Display `name` and `localizedName`
- Rightclick the name Label to copy save as JS var.
## Selection
- Selector
- Supports `Tile`, `Building`, `Bullet`, `Unit`
- Kill
- Set Item/Liquid/Team
- Press `Ctrl`+`Alt` to fix Focus Window
## ReviewElement
- Display element list, double-click to copy element to js variable
- `Ctrl`+`Shift`+`C` to Inspect Element
- `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`D` to display bounds of Element
- Select untouchable elements
- Mobile: Filter current element with two fingers
- PC: Press `F` to filter current element
- Functions shortcuts for Element
- `i`: display details (open ShowInfoWindow)\
- `p`(for Image): show `DrawablePicker`
- `del`: (`shift` to ignore confirmation), delete element
- `<` / `>`: collapse Group
- `f`: fix floating Info column
- `r`: invoke element's method
- ![reviewElement](./screenshots/review_element.png)
# Frag
- Double-click the blue part of Frag to minimize/restore Frag
- In the minimized state, click the blue part, it will behave like a floating ball
## Window
- Press `Ctrl`+`Tab` to switch windows
- Press `Shift`+`F4` to close current window
- RClick the close button to move and scl window.
## ShowInfoWindow
- Show all fields, methods, constructors and nested classes of a obj.
- Field can be modified.
- Method can be Invoked(Special).
- Constructor can be invoked to new a instance.
## Others
### Extensions
- Http Redirect
> Redirect some websites, such as: github\
> Configuration file: b0kkihope/
一个mindustry v7的mod. 它为开发人员提供了许多有用的工具。
if you receive an exception when building the project, please flush the gradle.