Aeyama: The New World

This mod will allow you to explore a whole new world and play differently from the base game. [gray]Language: [white]- English [white]- Français [white]- Русский [white]- Polski [red](WIP) [white]- Українська [red](WIP) [white]- 简体中文 [red](WIP) [white]- Español [red](WIP) [white]. . . check our Discord and GitHub repository for more info!

112k Downloads 130 Stars
Created 1 year agoUpdated 1 year ago


v0.4 0-pre.1 : Pre-release | v0.4.0-pre.1

Original Release Date: 21/10/2023

Re-released to fix some updater issues

The v0.4 update is coming soon but we're still missing some sprites, but here's a pre-release with all the content (but no sprites). Don't hesitate to report any bugs or any balancing suggestion!

  • New mod icon
  • New Armory Block
  • New Mod Updater
  • New Mod Settings
    • Show News (default: True)
    • Check for updates (default: True)
    • Check for beta updates (default: False)
  • Use Vanilla Water & Sand
  • Translation for Russian & Simplified Chinese
  • Balancing
    • Smelter craft time 7.5s → 4s
    • Foundry craft time 15s → 8s

Full Commit History:

v0.4-beta.2 - Armory Feature | v0.4-beta.2

Second beta release, which include the first feature, of the v0.4 update. Built from the v0.4-dev.36 dev build.

Features are in development located each in a branch of the dev branch, the armory is the first one currently in the dev-core-units branch. Currently 3 or 4 features are planned for the v0.4 update, meaning when they are all stable and merged in the dev branch the v0.4 update will officially be released.

  • Removed the MultiCoreBlock, no map should have issue.
  • New custom block (ArmoryBlock).
  • New testing block, they will be removed when the features are done.
  • (Internal) Unit Weapons are mostly located in a new file (AeyamaWeapons).

We remind that this content is unstable, can cause crashed or corrupt map. If you encounter any issue report it to the developers.

If you want to play with the beta release, you can download it at the bottom of this release note and import it in-game or via the in-game Mod Browser, search for Aeyama then click on "View Releases" and download the latest beta (pre-release can't be reinstalled and need to be manually installed).

Full Commits History:

v0.4-beta.1 - First Beta | v0.4-beta.1

First beta release for the v0.4. From the v0.4-dev.18 dev build.

  • New Custom Block (MultiCoreBlock)
  • Core: Control can be used to test the new functionality.
  • Separate main and dev News

New Contributors

  • @kapzduke made their first contribution in

Full Commits History:

v0.3.1 - Translations | v0.3.1

  • Translation for Russian and Simplified Chinese.
  • New Wood Junction block.
  • News UI compatible with mobile landscape mode.
  • Bug fixes and balancing.

Full Commits History:

v0.3 - The Rebirth | v0.3

Hey everyone, a brand new version is finally out and we changed a lot of thing… and basically everything!

First, the biggest change that took a ton of time… we successfully migrated to Java! It's a big change for the mod future, we now have full control over the game and we can now make custom things (don't except much we are still nooby to Java modding, Fredy is completely new to it and I (Jojo) still struggle).

Secondly, we decided to change how we do our update. We decided to do 50/50 updates, a sector update then a content update, so this mean v0.4 will be content focused and v0.5 will have the 3rd sector. We will try our best as of today (July 16th, 2023) to do more consistent release, meaning possibly less content per update but more consistant update.

Lastly, other than the internal changes, we also did big changes for the mod content, so here's a summary of the update:

  • A new sector, the second one Encounter, with new ressources, building and maybe even some enemies to discover.
  • A full rework of the 1st sector New World. (Need to Abandon to update the map!)
  • A rework of the progression.
  • The full translation for Russian and French is available.
  • The new translation for Simplified Chinese and Spanish is available.

If you have found any bug let us know by creating a New Issue on GitHub or if you have any suggestion for the mod you can tell us on our Discord.

We can't tell how much content we will be able to make in each update, we have our own life, own personal project and we are not really artist, but we will try our best. You can always help us speed the process by Contributing to the mod by making assets or adding/modifying some content on the dev branch, translating the mod or just starring the repo, it helps a lot!

Until then, see you all next time for the v0.4!

New Contributors

  • @1stvaliduser made their first contribution in
  • @UAdustry made their first contribution in
  • @soppi666 made their first contribution in
  • @RGBProductions made their first contribution in
  • @ZielonyTrojkat made their first contribution in
  • @nehulos made their first contribution in
  • @Taras4k made their first contribution in
  • @Zombaka made their first contribution in

Full Commits History:

v0.2 - The Official release | v0.2

The first official release. Recentely renamed and originally created on the 15th of January 2023.

What's Changed

  • Not Enough Bundles by @JojoFR1 in
  • Changes of the sprites)) by @RouterXdd in
  • Second failed attempt to put own generator + add Russian translate by @RouterXdd in
  • Pre release by @FredyJabe in
  • Patch 1 by @pepters in
  • completely translated new lines by @pepters in
  • adding a file for further editing by @pepters in
  • translation into Ukrainian by @pepters in
  • polish translation by @pepters in

New Contributors

  • @FredyJabe made their first contribution in
  • @pepters made their first contribution in

Full Changelog:

v0.1 - Testing | v0.1

First version of the mod. Recently renamed and originally created on the 7th of January 2023.

What's Changed

  • Help need with mod? by @RouterXdd in
  • A litte uptade) by @RouterXdd in
  • Changes by @RouterXdd in
  • Bundles and rename core by @JojoFR1 in

New Contributors

  • @RouterXdd made their first contribution in
  • @JojoFR1 made their first contribution in

Full Changelog: